Friday, 6 May 2016

3DS Max & Unreal - Third Project (Ideas)

Level Creation
As soon as we received this brief I knew what I wanted to create
I always loved the temples in the Tales games and the Temple of Time from Zelda, the spiritual minimalistic but well lit and clean spaces and the sheer size of the space and the effect of perspective on the players making them look that much smaller. 
I had also recently seen designs from Tales of Zestiria based on Arthurian legends, Pendrago and the Ladylake being my favourite environments.  
Pendrago - Stone, European castle style
Pendrago also has a magnificent and large Shrine Church
Ladylake Shrine Church
The amount of open space is nice in contrast to all the over hanging embellishments/assets and the pedestal/alter
In most Tales games elements (wind, fire, earth and water) are greatly emphasised and I wanted to use that trend however create a universal shrine to represent balance and the elements working in unison
Vivia Aqueduct beneath Roundtable Palace in Ladylake
I very much liked the secret room idea below the main area and with the Pendrago castle look I imagined typical secret moving walls / doors as in Rountable Palace
I wanted to continue with the solar punk idea from my last project and have lots of plants and foliage within the level - I also imagined a huge healthy tree as a centre piece - in games like Symphonia and Phantasia a tree is symbolically at the centre of the world based around Yggdrasil (and named as such in the game itself) the tree of life

I also wanted to continue incorporating Xillia's Fenmont being one of my favourite levels visually. So while the plant life wouldn't be overgrown like in my room project it would still be abundant and slightly phosphorescent to give it a fantastical magic quality
Fenmont from afar
Xillia's Xian Du was another favourite visually - I liked the hanging tapestries and the rich vibrant colours

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